Smart Chinese Reader 1.7 Details

General Information

Publisher nlptool Window 8 Compatible
Published at 20 Jul 2015
Program version 1.7
Changes in version 1.7 1. Chinese-English phrase mapping. While moving the mouse over each phrase in a Chinese sentence, the corresponding phrase in the English sentence is highlighted, and vice versa. 2. Color part of speech notation. Parts of speech (POS) of Chinese words in a sentence are marked with colors.


Category Education
Subcategory Languages

System requirements

Operating system Windows 8, Win7 x32,Win7 x64,Windows 8
System requirements 2G memory

Download information

File name SmartCR_1.7_Setup.msi
File size 176.63 MB
Downloads Total/Last week 443/0

License and usage

License Freeware
Price $0